The Week Before Christmas Vacation

The season is upon us! Everywhere you look on Canyonville Academy‘s campus, you can see Christmas lights hanging from every tree, and decorations and ornaments line the walls and ceiling. The weather is even threatening to snow (though we haven’t been so lucky yet). However, with Christmas fast approaching, the thing our students are looking forward to the most is Christmas Vacation.
In the final week of school before this vacation starts, Canyonville is buzzing with different activities. The students begin to finish the last of their school work, pack their bags, and say goodbye to their friends for a couple of weeks.
After dinner on Monday, students gathered together in the auditorium for a lovely evening of snacks, movies and friendship. The Christmas movie Elf played, as the students laughed and joked together, drinking hot chocolate, and sharing other tasty sweets. This is a great chance to slow the week down, as there’s only another two days of school before Christmas Vacation.

Tuesday is the final real day of school. While it is technically a school day, the excitement the students have for finally getting to go home for break can be felt throughout the air. After school, lots of students could be found packing their suitcases. They will be saying goodbye to some friends who were leaving early. There is lots to prepare for traveling in the coming days.
On Wednesday, the majority of students began to head towards their home. Sometimes that means riding to the airport and taking a plane, or simply driving directly. The faculty and staff often assist students by driving them to the airport. Sometimes this can be an emotional day for students, as friends might miss each other.
Know by the grace of God, everyone will return to campus after a long and restful break. We pray that we all be recovered and ready to see our friends and students again, and begin the new year strong.

Compared to the day before, the campus seems much more quiet. Those of us still around, doing the final touches to our classrooms and offices before leaving for the vacation, can feel the campus change once students leave.
Most of us here at Canyonville Academy are excited for a vacation, but will also miss our students and the life they give to Canyonville Academy. So we will rest and recover this Christmas, but we eagerly look forward to seeing our students return in the new year.

As 2018 comes to a close, take the time to remember the reason for the Christmas season. Christmas is a day not only for giving and receiving, but also to remember. We should remember that the Lord, our God, sent his son to our earth as the ultimate Christmas gift. He would eventually pay for our sins. Remember love, remember family and friends. But most importantly, remember Jesus.
To everyone reading this: Have a great Christmas! Get rested, eat lots of food, spend time with your family and your friends. In a couple of weeks, return to us here at Canyonville Academy, ready for what 2019 has in store for you. And of course for everyone else here on this campus. We’re blessed to have you return, and excited to see what opportunities the Lord provides for you and for us. We will see you all in 2019!
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