SEO – CANYONVILLE ACADEMY Mon, 18 Nov 2024 22:46:43 +0000 en-US hourly 1 SEO – CANYONVILLE ACADEMY 32 32 Canyonville Christian Academy’s SEO Class Redesigns Myrtle Creek Golf Course Website! Wed, 22 Feb 2012 18:49:31 +0000 Canyonville Christian Academy has a unique class that has taken the students into the world of Search Engine Optimization, Internet Marketing, Social Media and WebDesign. This class is now in it’s third year here at CCA, and has accomplished quite a lot in those years. Students from SEO/Internet Marketing are taught the nuances of the internet, changes that happen with Google Algorithms, Social Media channels to use, why use them, when to use them and then they put it all together and go out into the community and help local businesses create a web-presence. Last year the class created six websites for businesses in the Canyonville area, this year, the class tackled a large website as a group project – Myrtle Creek Golf Course. To start this project out, this largely diverse class first looked at the current website, they then reviewed the changes they could make and improve, compared what other golf courses offered all over the world and they then selected several different new looks for the Myrtle Creek Golf Course. With an action plan in place, they invited the superintendent of the golf course to interview him and learn more about the needs of Myrtle Creek Golf Course.  Following this meeting, and a trip to tour the golf course, the real work began:    ReDesigning and implementation of the new design. Within 5 days, the new golf course website was up and running with all Social Media strategies and vehicles in place, backlinks started, multiple visuals available and a completely new look!

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