remember when – CANYONVILLE ACADEMY Mon, 18 Nov 2024 22:46:43 +0000 en-US hourly 1 remember when – CANYONVILLE ACADEMY 32 32 Alumni Reunions 2009, 1999, 1989, 1979, 1969, 1959, 1949 Sat, 18 May 2019 18:32:20 +0000 We have 7 amazing alumni reunion years coming up this year. Class officers will be receiving a letter/email asking when you would like to hold your class reunion. If you would like to plan your reunion here on campus during the summer month of June or August, you and your class will be able to have a tour through the campus, and through the dorms.  This gives you and your classmates opportunity to see some of the new changes that have been have done, and you will be able to revisit some of your very favorite hangout spots. Things to do when you schedule an on campus reunion: Tour the dorms (see your old room and some of the updates that have been made) Tour the campus (walk through your old classrooms, across the bridge to east campus..) Visit the library (see how it’s grown!) Spend time in the chapel Visit the auditorium Walk through the cafeteria Throw some hoops in the gym Have pictures taken on campus, in a dorm or in the chapel. If you would like to schedule a class reunion on campus, please call the office at  541-839-4401   IMPORTANT NOTE:  Alumni are encouraged and welcomed to attend Graduation 2019 in Canyon Chapel!  Read more here   Congratulations to these classes who are celebrating this year!!! Class of 1949 celebrates their 70th!  What a Golden Age! Class of 1959, this is your 60th year reunion! Class of 1969, this is your 50th year reunion!  It’s hard to believe! Class of 1979, this is your 40th.  What a beautiful testimony.  40 years. Class of 1989, it’s been 30 years since you have graduated! Class of 1999, can you believe it’s been 20 years since you wore that cap and gown? Class of 2009, 10 years have gone by!  WOW!   To all, CONGRATULATIONS we are standing by to assist!...

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