School Clothes Shopping

by admin
Have you done your school clothes shopping yet? Review our helpful guide below.
Proper grooming must be practiced along with other rules of etiquette. The Administration emphasizes modesty in dress and appearance.
1. All clothing must be modest, neat, and clean. The dress
code shall apply to all students (both day & boarding) at all
times during the school year.
2. The Administration, Deans, Headmaster, Teachers and
Staff will ensure compliance with the guidelines. Students
who are not dressed according to this code will be asked
to return to the dorms or home and correct the problem.
3. When classes, teams or musical groups travel as representatives of Canyonville Christian Academy, the student
is responsible for maintaining a standard of dress deemed
appropriate for the occasion.
4. Appropriate dress for after-school practice is expected.
5. Tight-fitting or short shorts are not considered appropriate
wear for ladies or gentlemen. Excessively baggy shirts,
baggy pants, or pants with the crotch area hanging down
or undergarments visible are not allowed.
6. It is understood that there will be occasions when exceptions to these guidelines can be made, such as: field trips,
drama projects, etc. These exceptions must be approved
by the Administration.
7. Headwear for boys and girls is not appropriate during
school hours or in the cafeteria, chapel, classroom or office. This includes, but is not limited to baseball caps,
bandannas, beanies, berets, stocking hats, dew rags, etc.
Such items should be left at home, locker, or dorm.
8. PE uniforms will be available for purchase at the beginning
of the school year and must be worn each day to PE class
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