October School Calendar 2016

christian boarding school, CCA fall picture of the main office and gymnasium

It’s hard to believe that it is already October and students have been in class for 4 weeks!


christian boarding school, volleyball team, just before the game

Ready to play Volleyball!


Students have been busy working hard in class, sports, and activities.

This month has a lot of fun activities including hobby groups that students have signed up to be involved in.  Some planned hobby group activities are:

The Hiking group is planning a hike in Crater Lake if the weather permits.

Deep-Sea Fishing group will enjoy a fishing trip off of the Oregon Coast

Paintball, a hugely popular game is coming up soon on a Saturday.

Also, there are other fun contests such as a pushup/situp contest, and a HUGE mission game that will be played all-week-long during the last week of the month followed by an Outbreak party!

Planning for Thanksgiving

Its time to plan for Thanksgiving Break!

We have prepared several choices for this first holiday.

1. The Great Wolf Lodge in Washington state with chaperones
2.  A chaperoned stay in a beautiful beach homes on the Oregon coast.

Students will be leaving to their destination of choice on Tuesday after lunch November 22, 2016 and returning to their dorms on Sunday November 27.

Students are excited for this month’s activities AND looking forward to their first break in November.


private school students have a movie activity

MOVIE night in Roseburg


Pictures are courtesy of 2 of our students in Yearbook class 2016-2017 – Liz Pham grade 10 – (Featured Image), Max Ng grade 11 – Volleyball picture and Movie night

Download your October Calendar Here

[ct_button icon=”fa-download” size=”big” solid=”0″ has_arrow=”1″ link=”https://nld.vfh.mybluehost.me/wp-content/uploads/2014/10/CCA-October-Calendar.pdf”]October Activities Calendar[/ct_button]

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