November Events Calendar

Canyonville Christian Academy students

November has arrived at Canyonville Christian Academy.  The leaves have changed and the air is cooler.  Students who arrived as strangers only 2 months ago are now life long friends.

One of the highlights of October was the annual fall festival.  This year’s theme was “Cowboys and Aliens” where students came dressed as either cowboys or aliens to a party  where there were contests and rides.  The food was weird looking but tasted good and the students had a lot of fun.

Get your November events calendar here:

[ct_button id=”button_25″ size=”small” solid=”1″ link=”” icon=”” arrow=”1″ color=”#46a5e5″ css_animation=”” animation_delay=””]November Events[/ct_button]

Canyonville Christian Academy, international students, fall party,, november events calendar
Canyonville Christian Academy, international students, fall party, november events calendar

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