News from the Head of School

by admin
This spring finds us here at Canyonville Christian Academy in the midst of busyness with sports, drama and other fun activities.
Our track team has gotten off to a great start with many students attempting the sport for the first time in their lives. They are discovering the fun in competition and learning what they can do. Every meet is filled with personal records and fast-paced competition. All of this is leading up to our Special District Championship on Saturday, May 17th with the 1st and 2nd place finishers in each event heading on to the State Championships at the University of Oregon’s beautiful Hayward Field. This year looks to be another good year in the number of potential qualifiers.
Our tennis team is busy traveling as most of our matches are held far away from us. Tennis play against 1A-4A schools, so every match is a challenge. Even though the team is small, it shows great potential. This year, we are thrilled to be able to host 3 home matches – on April 19th, April 24th and April 26th. The Tennis District Championship will be held from May 12th-14th and the State Tennis Championships on May 22nd-24th.
This spring, our drama group will present “Murder by the Book” – a mystery revolving around classic authors. The play will present matinees on Sunday, May 11th and on Monday, May 12th.
All of this leads up to the end of year festivities…the CPR Reward trip to the Oregon beautiful coast, the sports’ awards banquet, Baccalaureate, the traditional staff vs. students softball game, the senior farewell BBQ, Mayfest, and culminating with Graduation. After the graduation ceremony, we will join together to look back as we remember former coach and dean, Jim Crumpton by dedicating a bench next to the CCA track in his honor and to look forward as we celebrate the groundbreaking for our new dormitory.
Graduation evening will conclude with the annual alumni banquet . All alumni are welcome to attend. We will be commemorating CCA/CBA’s 90th year.
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