Looking Back 40 Years
Looking back through the years, at these four amazing teachers that are still part of Canyonville Christian Academy, we share some of their history and what they are currently doing here on campus. These four have spent a lot of years working at the Academy teaching, maintaining the campus, coaching and encouraging many many generations of students.
Looking Back in History 40 Years Ago…
Many alumni from 1975 will remember these four faces. As the alumni of that year are preparing to celebrate their 40th reunion, it is fun to look back and share what these four are doing today at the school.
At the time (back in 1975), Esther Shaffer was working in the office as events coordinator, and as secretary of the Christian boarding school. Roger Shaffer was busy coaching cross country, teaching classes and what ever else was needed. Phil Jones was teaching 6 classes, coaching basketball AND furthering his education in the Sciences by taking additional classes in Ashland, Oregon. Judy Jones was also coaching at the Christian academy, she coached volleyball and girls basketball.
On Campus Today
Today, Esther still lives on campus and enjoys visiting with students when they stop by. Roger Shaffer is still teaching (Seminar Class) and is Chief Financial Officer of the school. Phil Jones teaches Anatomy & Physiology and Biology. Phil also works with the maintenance department of the private school as Facilities Assistant. Judy Jones enjoys working as part of the grounds-keeping team and loves to give out hugs and chat with the students. She says she and Phil enjoy going to all the sport games and activities. Judy also says “We’re part of the Grandma and Grandpa cheerleading team here at CCA!”
What a wonderful legacy these four have shared with students throughout the years!
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