Homecoming Announcements

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Canyonville Christian Academy’s Homecoming Spirit Week is in full swing! Throughout this week, students will experience several fun activities that will bond them together as a class (Freshman, Sophomore, Junior, Senior) and build school spirit as a whole. Each day students can earn points for their class by dressing up in the designated attire of the day (Pajama Day, Nerd Day, Class Color Day, Backwards and Crazy Hair/Hat Day, Blue & Gold Day) and by saying the cheer of the day to the appointed faculty or staff member. Points can also be earned by creating the best class banner, which is chosen by CCA’s faculty and staff, and by participating in other Spirit Week activities. The points will be tallied at the Spirit Week pep rally on Friday and the winning class will receive a prize!
With each day of Spirit Week anticipation is building for this private school’s big Homecoming games set for February 13, 2015! Canyonville Christian Academy’s basketball teams will take on the Bonanza Antlers from the Mountain View Conference. The JV game will get underway at 4:30 pm, followed by the Varsity games beginning at 6:00 pm.
* Senior Night and the last games of the season will be played on Tuesday, February 17 with the Pilots matched against the Lost River Raiders.
Homecoming Court for 2015
Pooja Tiwari & Eric Lee
Grace Tuan & Sebastian Fajardo
Megan Lin & Simon Mao
McKenzie O’Sullivan & Peter Ye
Malhi Beltran & Ivan Sandrali
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