Comments on: CLASS OF ’61 – CANYONVILLE BIBLE ACADEMY NOW CANYONVILLE CHRISTIAN ACADEMY Wed, 17 Jan 2024 14:52:06 +0000 hourly 1 By: Esther Loveridge Wed, 01 Jun 2011 20:27:07 +0000 How could I have forgotten to list David Johnston, Shirley Ayers, Bob Thompson, Mary Keeney and Bob Frost?

By: Esther Loveridge Wed, 01 Jun 2011 19:55:40 +0000 Our 50th Year Reunion was very well attended. Betty Gayle Willis, Larry Haymes, Steve Owens, Dave Durham, Dwayne Epler, Dee Aderholt, Esther Lebeck, Ted Beals, Dale Fairchild, Neola Owens, Bev Cornelius, Bob Hendricks, Rita Campbell, Justine Springstun and Nancy Shamp were joined by other schoolmates from the class of’1960: Joedy Hendrix, Don Durham, Gladys and Pete Blum, Del Fairchild and Rosalie Frost. The class of ’63 was well represented too: Darrell Lake, Dave Morfin, Ed Smelser, Linda Rinehart, Virginia Haymes, Roger Shafer, and Ms. Moxley. Fran Murphy, was from the class of ’62. Hope I remembered everyone. Let me know if I didn’t.

By: Esther Lebeck Loveridge Fri, 25 Feb 2011 05:24:46 +0000 Yes, 50 years has swiftly passed and we are looking forward to renewing friendships with our schoolmates.
