Canyonville Christian Academy’s Passing the Torch Chapel

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Canyonville Christian Academy’s Seniors begin Passing the Torch!
Canyonville Christian Academy’s Passing the Torch chapel has been a tradition at this private school for 90 years. When the phrase “passing the torch” is mentioned most people think of the Olympic games. Since 1936 the Olympics have begun with the Olympic torch relay. In this relay, the Olympic torch is brought from Olympia, Greece to the host city of the games. It is a great honor to be a part of this relay, which is a perfect portrayal of the meaning of “passing the torch.”
Passing the torch symbolizes the handing over of responsibility from one generation to the next. The generation that is giving the torch sets the standard for those who follow. They are the leaders of today, and they pave the way for those who will lead tomorrow.
“Therefore, since we are surrounded by such a great cloud of witnesses, let us throw off everything that hinders and the sin that so easily entangles. And let us run with perseverance the race marked out for us.” Hebrews 12:1
Canyonville Christian Academy’s Seniors spoke to the whole student body for the Passing of the Torch chapel. The Class of 2015 presented their top three goals for their senior year. These goals could be personal, spiritual, physical, academic, or extra-curricular. CCA’s international students shared their desires to grow in their relationship with the Lord and to show love and kindness to others. Many said this year they will strive for high GPAs, TOEFL scores, and SAT scores. Several seniors were excited about participating in their favorite sports and made goals to do their best in them. Some of the students’ goals also included becoming better leaders with great character and making lasting friendships with students from other cultures.
The seniors of this international boarding school have started the relay of their senior year. They have converged at Canyonville Christian Academy from 11 different countries from around the world (Mexico, South Korea, Colombia, Rwanda, Russia, Vietnam, the United States, China, Ethiopia, India, Hong Kong) with the common goal to reach the finish line of graduation. As each senior fulfills a goal, they will hand off the torch to the next senior. They will work together and support one another as they set the standard and lead the way for their younger classmen.
Class of 2015
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