Canyonville Christian Academy Sends 3 Classes To Cirque du Soleil!

by admin
The Christian Academy sent 3 classes to watch the world renown ‘Cirque du Soleil’ as the famous troop stopped in Eugene, Oregon for a 4 night showing of Quidam!
The school’s seminar class and both French I and French II classes along with teachers and several other attendee’s boarded a bus Sunday afternoon to travel the 2 hour trip up to Eugene. The students and the adults were fascinated during the 2 hour plus performance as the performers entertained the crowd of 1,000+ people that came to watch.
Some of the students had seen the Cirque du Soleil in a previous event but most had not and were thrilled to have gone! Some comments of the students were how they were amazed at the disciplined performers, others remarked how exciting it was with so much going on at all times, and yet others talked about the humor involved in different scenes and how everything was performed so smoothly!
All in all the students AND the adults had a GREAT time! The classes are looking forward with excitement to the Cirque du Soliel 3D movie ‘Worlds Away‘ coming out in December!
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