Canyonville Christian Academy Raises Up Leaders

by admin

Canyonville Christian Academy desires to raise up servant leaders; people of integrity who lead by example and service. Through CCA’s Ambassador Program, select juniors and seniors are chosen and trained to be leaders on campus, in their dorm, and in life.
Near the end of every school year, rising juniors and seniors are given the opportunity to apply to be a part of the Ambassador Program for the next school year. All of the Deans along with Head of School, Cathy Lovato and Head of Discipline, Brian Fye, discuss and decide together which students demonstrated great leadership qualities throughout the school year such as responsibility, teachability, honesty, empathy, kindness, and respect. They look for students with passion, commitment, and determination. Such qualities will help the students as they are in leadership to accept guidance, seek self-improvement, and overcome any trials.
Through Canyonville Christian Academy’s Ambassador Program, students achieve global leadership experience. They will learn how to effectively build relationships, communicate, and work with students from all around the world. It is a great privilege to be chosen as an ambassador and it comes with several responsibilities. Therefore, ambassadors are mentored by their deans and other faculty and staff members; and build personal relationships with them. These mentors are dedicated to help the development of each ambassadors’ skills and character.
The Ambassador Program also helps prepare students for college. Ambassadors learn time management, dedication, reliability, and hard work. By fulfilling an ambassador’s duties, students show colleges that they can perform on an academic level while also staying involved and serving in leadership positions on campus.
This week the Ambassadors for the 2014/15 school year flew to Canyonville Christian Academy from all around the world (Colombia, India, Russia, Rwanda, and South Korea). They arrived a week before the rest of the student body for training and relationship building. First, they went to Redding, California with their Deans for two days. They attended Bethel Church, where they were encouraged to, “Be present, be thankful, be focused, and persevere.” They also went to a water park and had a great time getting to know their Deans and fellow Ambassadors better.
After they returned to CCA, they spent the next few days helping prepare the campus for the new school year. They worked in the dorms with their deans and around campus with Mr. Payne, Head of Facilities. They worked very hard and showed great teamwork. We could not be prouder of them and look forward to seeing them lead and grow throughout this 2014/15 school year at Canyonville Christian Academy!

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