Calendario escolar enero 2016

by admin
January 2016 started STRONG!
Basketball Updates!
After enjoying a wonderful Christmas and New Year break, students started back in full swing on Wednesday with 3 basketball days in 4 days!
Drama Club Presents Christmas Play

Drama Club Presents…
Monday January 11th, the drama club presented their Christmas Play. (which had to be postponed due to a power outage). Students were dismissed at the end of 5th period to go to the auditorium for the play.
Tuesday, January 12, the drama club has added an additional play performance at around 1:45 PM for the Canyonville elementary to watch it.
Diamond Lake snow trip coming up on January 16th!
Don’t miss this fun event! If you have never been in the snow, or like to play in the snow, this is a MUST attend trip! Enjoy a fun-filled day either snow tubing, sledding, having a snow-ball fight or just hanging out with friends!
(This trip is also weather dependent, so stay tuned!)
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