Advantages and Disadvantages of Private Boarding School

canyonville christian academy welcomes boarding students from all over the world

1. Private Schools Are Safer

Private schools have a better safety record over public schools.

The Heartland Institute states that:

“According to a new government report, the rate of violent crime against students is almost twice as high in public schools as in private schools. Similarly, teachers in public schools are twice as likely as teachers in private schools to be threatened or physically attacked by students. For student and teacher alike, if schools are not safe, they cannot be places of learning”.

This Chart from back in 2005 (Ten years ago!) shows us some pretty startling facts about Public vs Private schools.safer schools, private schools, best private schoolssource: Table 73, Digest of Education Statistics: 2005

2. Boarding School Students Are More Satisfied With Their Education

According to The Association of Boarding Schools (TABS), 60% of students enroll in boarding schools to obtain a better education. A survey performed by TABS shows that boarding school students are more satisfied than private and public school students with their education because of:

  • Challenging academics (requiring students to spend more time on homework and less time watching television).
  • High-quality teachers
  • An environment of motivated peers

Canyonville Christian Academy encourages excellence in education and holds a high standard in academics through its National Honor Society

Another beneficial aspect of many boarding schools is a smaller teacher-student ratio. In a large classroom setting, sometimes students can get lost in the crowd. While in smaller classrooms, it is like having access to your own private tutor. This is an important factor in learning math, science and foreign languages.

The teacher-student ratio at Canyonville Christian Academy is 12-1, which aids in the excellence of our ESL Program.

3. Boarding Schools Emphasize Personal Development

At boarding schools, students are not only challenged and encouraged to succeed academically, but they are also taught the personal characteristics and disciplines necessary to achieve academic success. 

Boarding School students are surrounded by a supportive community that is dedicated to assist them in the development of such characteristics as self-discipline, maturity, independence, critical thinking, time management, perseverance, and leadership.This personal development will continue to help them succeed in life even after they graduate from high school.

Canyonville Christian Academy encourages positive behavior and personal development through its CPR (Christian Character, Personal Responsibility, & Respect) and Ambassador (Student Leadership) Programs.

4. Students From Boarding Schools Are More Likely To Gain A Better Education And Graduate From A University

This is no small point. After all, this is the purpose of school. Beware, there are terrible private schools too, where students graduate without barely knowing how to read. But compared to the public school system in the United States and in many countries abroad, a private school education is far superior.

Again. Concerning graduation from a university, nothing can be assumed and much depends on the particular school but in general, boarding school students are more likely to advance in their education at the university level. This is often because they are forced to develop study habits in the boarding school setting, where peer pressure and dorm rules require the completion of their homework.

Graduates of Canyonville Christian Academy have attended and/or been admitted to some of the top universities in the United States such as the University of California – Berkeley, Northwestern University (IL), & Columbia University.

5. Students At Boarding School Mature More Rapidly

Students attending boarding schools learn how to clean their rooms, take care of their own laundry, and deal with personal conflicts in a way that can never be learned in the protective shelter of home.

Some of the world’s greatest leaders, sports stars, and entertainment figures had a boarding school education. This includes numerous American presidents, European Kings and Queens, and British Prime Minister – Winston Churchill.

At Canyonville Christian Academy, students not only learn essential life skills in a safe and encouraging environment, but they also gain a global perspective as they live with other students from around the world. Canyonville Christian Academy has had students from 57 countries attend its school.

6. Boarding Schools Encourage Arts And Sports

Today’s public schools are cutting a lot of creative programs such as Art, Music, and Choir. Even the sports teams have taken quite a budget cut where parents are now paying more for their students to partake in these important team building skills.

These kind of situations have taken a toll on our youth. Most kids flourish under good creativity and learning good teamwork skills.

Boarding schools are generally smaller, they give more attention to the Arts programs. In general, they tend to build up committed sports teams and they focus on leadership skills.

Through sports and the arts, students at Canyonville Christian Academy build closer relationships with their coaches/mentors and their peers. At the end of the season or year, students have not only advanced in their talents and abilities, but they also feel as if they were a part of a family.

7. Boarding Schools Have Better Discipline

Public schools in most countries are forced by law to accept all children in their geographical areas and are paid money by the government based on the number of students in attendance. This makes expelling a student both difficult and expensive.

In a boarding school, the reverse is the case. A troublesome student who upsets teachers and fellow students can cause others to drop out if he or she is not expelled immediately. Therefore, the parents of the troublesome student are suddenly involved. They have paid money for their son or daughter to attend the school in question and they will become more persistent in assuring that their child cooperates.


1. Boarding School Students Can Get Homesick

Boarding School students are always excited and nervous when they first arrive. The preparation of packing for school, the excitement of meeting new people, and the long and tiring trip are ALL exciting at first. Then, after the excitement settles a bit, students can start missing some of the routine of home life, a favorite meal, or just time to sit and talk with a brother, sister, or best friend.

These homesick periods can happen at anytime. It’s a time of longing, of looking back and missing familiarity such as home life, brothers, sisters, friends, parents, a family pet.

During these difficult times, you can help your student prepare by equipping them with communication devices to call home such as mobiles, iPads or laptops. You can also make sure you have some scheduled time to FaceTime/Skype with family members.

Additionally, Canyonville Christian Academy has put together some great helps on our Pinterest boards “Make It Your Home” and “Organizing Your Dorm Room to help you and your student be prepared to work through some of these normal “homesick” times.

2. Students At Boarding School Can Be Shielded From Social Challenges

Boarding schools usually prohibit the use of drugs, alcohol or sexual activity. These choices are sometimes left to the student in a public school setting. Some parents feel that their children need to be faced with such choices and learn to develop their own judgment.

3. Boarding Schools Can Have Limited Curriculum Concerning Philosophy And World Views

Boarding schools are often founded in a religious tradition. In the United States, most boarding schools were founded in the Catholic or Episcopalian tradition. Therefore, these schools adhere to and teach Christian values and beliefs.

In contrast, public schools tend to offer diverse philosophical curriculum, allowing students to see the world through the lens of many different ethnic, religious and/or sexually oriented ideas.

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When we talk about “private schools” we are usually talking about grade schools or high schools for young people in their teens.  The latter include neighborhood places of learning, founded by churches, secular, so called, “magnet schools” for gifted children, and finally boarding schools with years of tradition and experience such as Canyonville Christian Academy.

It is very difficult to generalize about the advantages and disadvantages of private school because most of the pros and cons depend on the particular school in question. In general, when looking for a good school, you will want one with a long history. This will assure you that the school has institutional memory or experience in dealing with academic, social, financial and  discipline needs of its students. Simply put, a school that has been in business for a long time is usually a safe bet. In this business, you are only as good as your last year.  The exception to this are schools that are subsidized by churches or church organizations and not dependent on students and parents for their budget.

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Advantages of Canyonville Christian Academy



  1. My children learned English Language because private school

  2. […] Advantages and Disadvantages of Private Boarding School – This is no small point. After all, this is the purpose of school. Beware, there are terrible private schools too, where students graduate without barely knowing how … […]

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