Spirit Week And Homecoming Weekend!

by admin
It was a week of crazy dress up days from Pajama Day to Nerds day, to crazy Hair day to Backwards Day and lastly everybody’s favorite – HOMECOMING!
Who would LOVE to go to classes in their Pajama’s? Well, this group did! EVERYone had fun with pajama day…
NERDs Day!
Every wondered how nerdy you can get? These students had a BLAST with Nerds Day during Spirit Week!
Crazy Hair Day!!!
So yes… Crazy Hair Day had CRAZY hair styles! So many different ideas on what crazy hair looks like! Here’s some fun shots Mr Lovato took! (He’s awesome at picture taking!)
Pep Rally and HOMECOMING Highlights!
Spirit Week And Homecoming Weekend!

by admin
It was a week of crazy dress up days from Pajama Day to Nerds day, to crazy Hair day to Backwards Day and lastly everybody’s favorite – HOMECOMING!
Who would LOVE to go to classes in their Pajama’s? Well, this group did! EVERYone had fun with pajama day…
NERDs Day!
Every wondered how nerdy you can get? These students had a BLAST with Nerds Day during Spirit Week!
Crazy Hair Day!!!
So yes… Crazy Hair Day had CRAZY hair styles! So many different ideas on what crazy hair looks like! Here’s some fun shots Mr Lovato took! (He’s awesome at picture taking!)
Pep Rally and HOMECOMING Highlights!
Spirit Week And Homecoming Weekend!

by admin
It was a week of crazy dress up days from Pajama Day to Nerds day, to crazy Hair day to Backwards Day and lastly everybody’s favorite – HOMECOMING!
Who would LOVE to go to classes in their Pajama’s? Well, this group did! EVERYone had fun with pajama day…
NERDs Day!
Every wondered how nerdy you can get? These students had a BLAST with Nerds Day during Spirit Week!
Crazy Hair Day!!!
So yes… Crazy Hair Day had CRAZY hair styles! So many different ideas on what crazy hair looks like! Here’s some fun shots Mr Lovato took! (He’s awesome at picture taking!)
Pep Rally and HOMECOMING Highlights!
Spirit Week And Homecoming Weekend!

by admin
It was a week of crazy dress up days from Pajama Day to Nerds day, to crazy Hair day to Backwards Day and lastly everybody’s favorite – HOMECOMING!
Who would LOVE to go to classes in their Pajama’s? Well, this group did! EVERYone had fun with pajama day…
NERDs Day!
Every wondered how nerdy you can get? These students had a BLAST with Nerds Day during Spirit Week!
Crazy Hair Day!!!
So yes… Crazy Hair Day had CRAZY hair styles! So many different ideas on what crazy hair looks like! Here’s some fun shots Mr Lovato took! (He’s awesome at picture taking!)
Pep Rally and HOMECOMING Highlights!
Spirit Week And Homecoming Weekend!

by admin
It was a week of crazy dress up days from Pajama Day to Nerds day, to crazy Hair day to Backwards Day and lastly everybody’s favorite – HOMECOMING!
Who would LOVE to go to classes in their Pajama’s? Well, this group did! EVERYone had fun with pajama day…
NERDs Day!
Every wondered how nerdy you can get? These students had a BLAST with Nerds Day during Spirit Week!
Crazy Hair Day!!!
So yes… Crazy Hair Day had CRAZY hair styles! So many different ideas on what crazy hair looks like! Here’s some fun shots Mr Lovato took! (He’s awesome at picture taking!)
Pep Rally and HOMECOMING Highlights!
Spirit Week And Homecoming Weekend!