Baccalaureate Sunday!!!

by admin
Graduation is less than a week away!
Canyonville Christian Academy’s Senior Class!
Sunday was Canyonville Christian Academy‘s Baccalaureate Service.
Canyonville Christian Academy’s president Shawn Hennessy encouraged seniors as he spoke on the butterfly effect, which is where a small change at one place in a nonlinear system can result in large differences to a later state.
With almost all the teachers and staff attending this final Sunday Chapel here at CCA, there was a mixture of excitement and sadness. This is the time of year that everyone starts out anticipating when school starts in the fall; but after 9 months you bond as a family while boarding. School here at CCA becomes like one giant family that studies together, plays together, works together and achieves goals together. As this time of year does arrive, everyone’s excitement becomes mixed with the realization that some will not see each other again. Students realize that Canyonville Christian Academy bonded them with friends from all over the world, but also with teachers and staff that have encouraged them, prayed with them, watched over them, helped them, corrected them, mentored them and are now preparing to send these students off with much care and love…
Seniors, we congratulate you on your accomplishments as we prepare to send you off to your next adventure – College.
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The Butterfly Effect or The Ripple Effect – little things matter a lot. Upon in depth investigation – my very own salvation can be directly traced back to Canyonville Christian Academy. Thank you Dad Shaffer – the waves of your impact have been felt for generations around the world & will be felt for generations yet to come