Arrival of the 2016-2017 Yearbook

by admin
Canyonville Christian Academy’s yearbook for the 2016-2017 school year has arrived! This is our boarding school’s 71st Harborlite volume and it did not disappoint!
Our yearbook class taught by Amy Young captured the school year beautifully with their pictures. From planned, posed photos to fun, candid pictures, they captured it all. The placement of these pictures flows with creativity. The captions that describe them show great thoughtfulness.
We are proud of our yearbook team! Thank you for documenting all the great memories made with our CCA family in the 2016-2017 school year. We will cherish these moments for years to come!
The heart of this school year is seen in the dedication of the yearbook by the Class of 2017 to Mr. and Mrs. Phil Jones. The Jones’ are a couple who love, work, and give without limit or desire of recognition. They are an inspiration and great example to our students.
“It is an honor to be chosen by such young hearts. We are so grateful for the opportunity to be with young people and find wonderful friendships to fill our days, our lives. God has been good to us. Thank you again, for the honor!”
Love, the Jones
Order Your Yearbook Today!
A yearbook is provided for every student, staff and faculty member of CCA. Returning students will receive their copy at the beginning of the new school year. Seniors or non-returning students can have theirs mailed to them by providing their most recent address to Amy Young.
Our yearbooks are also available for order! Please stop by the office to pick up your copy or email Amy Young for more information.
Amy Young
AYoung@canyoville.netRecommended Posts

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