September School Calendar 2016

by admin
Canyonville Christian Academy’s school year got off to a running start with a busy welcome weekend!
Students were arriving all day and late at night at the academy. As the students arrived, they were greeted by their deans and student ambassadors then taken to their dorm to meet with their new roommate and get settled in. There were lots of new and familiar faces with lots of happy smiles.
Additionally, there were barbecues happening all day Saturday and Sunday, along with our annual outdoor church service held Sunday morning.
Our school president Doug Wead shared at the church service about his very favorite secret bible verse.

Welcome Weekend Sunday Church Service

September is full of fun and interesting things happening.
Thursday is our big ALL – School event fun day at Diamond Lake. There, students will be able to swim, play games, ride boats, paddle boats, picnic and then enjoy a catered meal in the beautiful Cascade mountain range. Just before the evening ends, they will be enjoying a campfire with smores, then head back down to the academy for a restful evening. What a wonderful start of a school year.
You can download September’s school calendar here:
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