Course Descriptions

Canyonville Academy Core Courses


English I

9th grade English course that presents an introduction to themes in world literature (including fables), poetry, literary terms, basic grammar, composition, and basic spelling/vocabulary skills.

English II

10th grade level English course that presents an introduction to backgrounds in world literature, poetry and mythology, recognition of literary devices, and continued development of writing skills.

English III

11th grade level English course that presents an overview of major figures in American literature (novel, short story and poetry), recognition and evaluation of literary devices, essay and research paper writing, spelling, and vocabulary skills.

English IV

12th grade level English course that presents an overview of major figures in the literature of Great Britain, includes novels, short stories, and poetry. Recognition and use of literary devices, literature analysis and evaluation, essay writing.

ESL Grammar and Composition 1/2

This integrated skills course at the beginning level for the student who has little experience in English includes systematic instruction in reading, basic writing structures, grammar, and vocabulary. The goal of this course is to give the student a basic, solid foundation for further academic study in English. Students are recommended to take the Listening and Speaking course concurrently.

ESL Listening and Speaking 1/2

This beginning level course uses a communicative approach to English learning that integrates all four skills of listening, speaking, reading, and writing.  Students will build confidence and ability in conversational English, as well as continue to build their vocabulary for further academic study in English.

ESL Grammar & Composition 3/4

This intermediate/advanced level course integrates the basic skills of reading, writing, grammar & vocabulary in a class focused on academic preparation. Students will learn to write using subjects from a variety of content areas as well as level-appropriate American literature. Upon completion of this course, students will be ready to enter into mainstream English classes.

ESL Listening and Speaking 3/4

This intermediate/advanced level course includes a communicative approach to English learning that integrates all four skills of listening, speaking, reading, and writing.  Students will build confidence and ability in conversational English, as well as continue to build their vocabulary and oral presentation skills for further academic study in English.


Spanish I

This course is designed to assist the student in achieving grade level proficiency in Grammar skills (understanding and usage through writing, listening, reading, vocabulary, and comprehension exercises) Special emphasis is given to oral and listening communication skills.



This course is designed to fulfill the State of Oregon’s requirement of a one-year health course.  Students will learn how the body works, as well as how to make wise choices regarding their personal lifestyles and health.


A study covering botany, zoology, human anatomy, and physiology. This is a laboratory class, including dissection and microscope usage.Topics of current interest such as cloning, new medicines, diet and health, etc. will be discussed.

Chemistry (Prerequisite: Physical Science)

A basic high school chemistry course. Topics include matter, periodic table, chemical and physical reactions. This course is designed for the student who has an elementary knowledge of science and chemistry, but needs to develop the knowledge further.

Physical Science

A basic overview of many scientific disciplines, including: scientific method, meteorology, chemistry, creation,evolution,intelligent design, geology, oceanography, and physics.



Christianity and World Views

History and Beliefs of the Ancient Hebrews

Chapel – Every Wednesday 8:30am – 10:00am and Sunday 11:00am – 11:30am




Upper level course for juniors or seniors.  Government will examine the basic structures and principles of major types of governments in the world. Priority will be given to a study of the United States government.  Economics will examine the basic principles that govern economics on a world and on a personal level. Topics to be examined include monetary policy, taxes, stock market, and government influence on the economy. Special focus will be placed on individual finances.  Required for graduation.

United States History

An intermediate history course designed for juniors or seniors. Beginning with early exploration of the Americas by Europe and progressing through the present. The major political movements and leaders in US history are studied. Special focus is given to the 20th century through present.  Required for graduation.

World History

A basic introduction to the history of the world on a freshmen level. Beginning at the Biblical creation of the world, this class examines the groups, leaders, and ideas that shaped the world of today.

American History (for International Students)

An intermediate history course designed for students with no background in US history. Beginning with early exploration of the Americas by Europe and progressing through the present, the major political movements and leaders in US history are studied.



* All new incoming students will be tested to facilitate placement in the appropriate mathematics course

Algebra I

An introductory algebra course for freshmen or sophomores. Central to this course is an introduction to symbolic reasoning and calculating with symbols.  Students will develop an understanding of the symbolic language of mathematics and the sciences. Use of algebra in problem-solving situations will also be covered.

Algebra II (Prerequisite: Algebra I)

A continuation of Algebra I. Students will gain experience with algebraic solutions of problems, including quadratic equations, rational functions, logarithmic and exponential functions, and the complex number systems.





This course is a traditional physical education course that focuses on a variety of activities, sports, and methods to improve and sustain physical fitness. Course requires the purchase of a PE uniform.


Leadership Class


Art Club – Twice a week on Monday and Wednesday for two 2 hour sessions after school.

Dual Enrollment Courses available in the fall

What is dual enrollment?

Dual enrollment is when a high school student takes University courses for college credit while still enrolled in high school.

What courses are offered for dual enrollment?

Students can enroll in up to two courses per school year as a high school junior or senior. Courses are selected from the course selection list on the enrollment application.

What does dual enrollment do for me?

  • Saves money – Students who earn college credits in high school can save money on total college costs and may be able to graduate and enter the workforce sooner
  • Earn College Credits – Students may earn college credit if they pass a dual enrollment class with a grade of C or better
  • Higher grades – Research has shown that dual enrollment can lead to higher grades in high school and make students more likely to complete an undergraduate degree.
  • Exposure to college-level instruction – Enrolling in a postsecondary institution while in high school gives students the experience of taking a college-level class. Although certified teachers teach AP classes, college professors or other faculty members teach dual enrollment classes.
  • Better prep for success in college – One of the main benefits of a dual enrollment program is how it prepares students for the rigor of college coursework if classes are chosen carefully, students are able to get themselves ahead in their quest for college degrees.


ENGL 111 Composition Introduction to the thesis-support essay form, including informative, persuasive, and documented, with an emphasis on avoiding plagiarism. Includes strategies for organizing, writing, editing, revising, quoting, summarizing, paraphrasing, and documenting. Self-paced course; all course materials included with registration

ENGL 123 Introduction to Literature Introduction to understanding and interpreting literature. Literary selections drawn from various cultures and at least three common genres. Self-paced course; all course materials included with registration

FIN 138 Personal Finance The purpose of this course is to provide the student an overview of the role stewardship plays in one’s daily life. There is a strong emphasis placed on Biblical purposes of money, attitudes towards financial wealth, and accountability for personal resource choices. Course has weekly due dates. See the Evangel Bookstore for required textbooks.

MGMT 235 Organizational Design and Management Introduction to management. Contingency view of management theory and practice. Emphasizes skills used by managers to get the job done: planning, organizing, directing, and controlling. Integrates the functions of management with appropriate quantitative and behavioral concepts. Course has weekly due dates. See the Evangel Bookstore for required textbooks.

GOVT 170 Introduction to American Government Analysis of the structure, principles, and processes of the American federal government. Self-paced course; all course materials included with registration.

HIST 111 American History I Survey from the time of discovery and exploration of America through the founding and development of the 13 English colonies, the Revolutionary War, the establishment of the United States Constitution and government, the War of 1812, westward expansion and manifest destiny, states’ rights, slavery, the Civil War, and Reconstruction. Course has weekly due dates. See the Evangel Bookstore for required textbooks.

HIST 112 American History II Survey from 1877, examining American institutions and ideas; the rise of nationalism; the emergence of America as a strong nation; WWI and the Great Depression; WWII and the Cold War; and the United State’s role in the worldwide political situation.

HIST 115 World Civilization Survey of the political, social, economic, and cultural aspects of world civilization from antiquity to the Reformation. Students are exposed to a panoramic view of historical development, with emphasis on how people throughout history have addressed major issues confronting them within historical context.

PSCY 112 Introduction to Psychology This is a half-term, accelerated course (Aug 25 – Oct 17, 2021). Introduction to basic procedures in the study of behavior and to elementary principles of conditioning, motivation, emotion, personality, sensation, perception, abnormal behavior, psychotherapy, and social dynamics. Course has weekly due dates. See the Evangel Bookstore for required textbooks.

COMM 113 Introduction to Mass Communication Survey of the traditional mass media from both historical and cultural perspectives, including attention to media theories and effects, media operations, and social and economic problems in the media. Introduction to advertising, public relations, the relationships of foreign media to American media, media ethics and law, and new media technologies, including the Internet. Self-paced course; all course materials included with registration.

GSCI 115 Physical Science w/ Lab Study of motion and energy, the basic ideas of electricity, the phenomena of light and radiation, elementary thermodynamics, and the structure of matter in terms of atoms and molecules and their nature. Laboratory course included.

MATH 124 Intermediate Algebra Further investigation of topics covered in a first algebra course, such as properties of real numbers, linear equations and inequalities, polynomials, and functional relationships. Additional topics may include exponential and logarithmic functions as well as sequences and series. Prerequisite: successful completion of high school Algebra I and Algebra II (or equivalent). Self-paced course; all course materials included with registration.

BIBL 116 New Testament Literature An introductory analytical survey of the New Testament in its historical-cultural and literary context. Course has weekly due dates. See the Evangel Bookstore for required textbooks.

BIBL 115 Old Testament Literature An introductory analytical survey of the Old Testament in its historical-cultural and literary context. Course has weekly due dates. See the Evangel Bookstore for required textbooks.


  1. […] Excellent Courses Offered Posted on October 16, 2010 by Corinne As a boarding school, Canyonville Christian Academy offers a large variety of classes: […]

  2. […] Canyonville Christian Academy offers a full program of study for international students who want to learn English. Classes range from beginning to advanced levels.  Our program begins with a solid foundation in basic conversation as well as introductory reading and writing skills, then moves quickly into a more academic track. […]

  3. […] This post was mentioned on Twitter by coriburkhert. coriburkhert said: RT @CCA_BoardingHS: Quality Education at #boardingschool also AP college prep courses available <gr8 line up! […]

  4. […] Christian Academy si one of the few private high schools that offers Internet marketing as a pre-professal […]

  5. […] 24 High Academics Canyonville Christian Academy is one of the few Private High Schools that offers Internet marketing as a pre-proffessional […]

  6. […] Christian Academy is one of the few Private High Schools that offers Internet marketing as a pre-proffessional […]

  7. […] Christian Academy is one of the few private high schools that offers Internet marketing as a pre-professal […]

  8. […] Christian Academy is one of the few private high schools that offers Internet marketing as a pre-professional […]

  9. […] Christian Academy is one of the few private high schools that offers Internet marketing as a pre-professional […]

  10. […] Christian Academy is one of the few private high schools that offers Internet marketing as a pre-professional […]

  11. […] Christian Academy is one of the few Private High Schools that offers Internet marketing as a pre-proffessional […]

  12. […] Christian Academy’s Seminar class is a unique class taught by Roger Shaffer.  In this class, students learn about American culture.  But more importantly, they experience […]

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