Boone Hall – Boys’ Dorm

canyonville christian academy, boarding school, boys dorm, boone hall

Boone Hall is one of Canyonville Academy’s boys’ dorms on campus.

canyonville christian academy, boys dorm, hunt hall, study hallBoone Hall houses 56 boys. It is a 3 level dorm with 27 rooms, 6 showers, a largekitchen, laundry facility, and a recreation/study hall adjacent to the dorm (Hunt Hall).

There are 17 rooms on the top level of this boys’ dorm that house 34 students, 6 rooms on the middle level for 14 boys (2 are large rooms able to house 3 students each) and 4 rooms on the lower level that house 8 boys.

Each floor has 1 or 2 Ambassadors (resident student leaders). These are young men who have proven in the previous school year to be strong in leadership, honesty and integrity. They have also built good relationships with their deans and other faculty and staff.

Meet Your Deans

private boarding school, oregon, yearbook instructor, high school
Charles Vincent
Joshua Pippin


  1. […] Dorm and Boon Hall had a Christmas Party in the Auditorium, on                             Sunday Dec, […]

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